Saturday, November 16, 2013

Strict society on Crime

The dream principle society is a crime and unjustly severe society.
The dream principle society is the society that the honest honest person profits.

In the dream principle society, each human being is always watched over with the monitoring camera.
In the highway, the company, in the school, too, it is always watched over with the monitoring camera.
The person who felt receiving unreasonable act informs the police of the time, the place and the unjust contents in the Internet.
The police confirm the record of the monitoring camera and when admitted to be unjust, they tell the partner who did an injustice the contents in the Internet.
If the partner admits an injustice immediately, as the minor offense, it reduces the point of the food, clothing and shelter of the person.
The partner who did an injustice in this case is processed without appearing in the police.
When the partner doesn't admit an injustice, it is turned to the trial.

In the dream principle society, it assumes that the small injustices such as not keeping an irresponsible utterance, a quarrel, a bully, an abuse, backbiting, being naughty, a rule, too, are a minor offense.
In the dream principle society, the point of the food, clothing and shelter is furnished to all persons every month but in case of minor offense, this service point is reduced.
The service point in every month is steadily reduced every time it does some crime in the lifetime of the person, it increases and not having been held
All criminal records, too, are managed with the computer as the career of the very person and in case of getting a job, limitation is sometimes added.
For example, the person who has a criminal career doesn't leave to the teacher at the school.

In the dream principle society, each human being must subscribe the schedule of the holiday and the labor to the computer beforehand beforehand.
When not about in the time zone of the labor, it is thought of as the crime, and the police come immediately and after the simple situation confirmation, when unreasonable, the forced labor (the day laborer labor) can shine.
Not being about affair at the thing except the holiday and the sickness isn't permitted on the 1st.

■ The minor offense (※ Doing the crime which is slight as it doesn't get to do) a sin (in the present law)
Only the reduction of the service point of the food, clothing and shelter without appearing in the police
It is not temporary payment like a fine in today and the point which was reduced in the eternity of the lifetime is supplied.
■ Criminal in ※ It puts a yellow collar to the neck.
The free time decreases and the working hour increases.
■ The heavy crime ※ It puts a red collar to the neck.
Not being in the free time, the lifetime, the forced labor can shine.
Moreover, in the weight of the crime, it is possible to impose the penalty of the organ donation, the penalty of the human experimentation and so on.

There is not a prison in the dream principle society.
To distinguish from the general public instead, it puts a collar to the criminal.
In the case which approached the general public and did an unreasonable action, it gives an electric shock with the collar.

Moreover, with the signal which rises from the collar, it limits a field of activities.
There is not a death penalty in the dream principle society.
Hanging the lifetime of the person and compensating criminal compensation are basic.
In the form of the reduction of the point of the food, clothing and shelter, it is burdened with the sin in the lifetime, it lives and the minor offense goes.

Not being in the heavy crime in the free time, the lifetime, the forced labor can shine.

For a criminal to be rehabilitated, there is not a penalty and it makes criminal compensation a main purpose.
The criminal compensation is making itself sacrifice, reducing liberty because of the future of the human race and working.
Liberty is reduced to the degree when there is not a correction program of the criminal and it repeats a crime and when final, the free time passes away completely.
It is compelled to do the dirty dangerous labor which is hard with the weight of the sin.

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